If you would you like to make prayer with others more of a priority in your life, why not come along to a new prayer service?

There will be a very short, simple order of service to give us a framework for our prayer. This will include short introductory prayers by the leader, for the worldwide Church, for St John’s, for peace in the world, for the sick and those in need, and for any others on our hearts and minds.
After each introductory prayer, there will be a short time of open prayer for anyone who wishes to add their own prayers. Each section will end with the usual response after which will follow a time of silent prayer. We will conclude with The Grace.
Following consultation with members of the congregation, we will meet weekly on Thursdays at 6.00pm in the Lady Chapel for no more than 30 minutes starting 22nd June.
Please let me know if you would be interested.
Just come whenever you can – no greater commitment than that is required.
Any questions please contact vicar@stjohnsredhill.org.uk
Rev. John Kronenberg
Thank you John for setting this prayer time up. For those of us who have work commitments could we make the time 5.45 or 6.00pm.
Many thanks