Tots on Tuesdays (TOTs)
TOTs is our baby and toddler group, which runs in the Church creche every Tuesday during term time between 9.45am-11.15am.
St John’s Tots group offers locals parents the opportunity to come together once a week with their children (age 0-4) at St John’s Church. Attendees can connect with other local parents and have a friendly chat, whilst the children explore, play and interact with one another within the impressive setting of the church.
Anna Keast, a local mum of two, currently organises the group together with Molly Verity and Vicky Robinson, both members of the congregation.
"I've been attending the group since 2018," says Anna, "first with my daughter who is now at school, and currently with my son, aged two. It’s been a regular weekly group and I’ve really enjoyed attending and getting to know other local parents, as well as giving my son the opportunity to play with others.”
The group is based within St John’s Church, with toys and play set up for the children. Refreshments are provided for the parents in the form of tea/coffee and biscuits/cake. The children are provided a selection of healthy snacks at 11am, during which nursery rhymes are sung and a bible story is told to the children, as they sit in a circle with their parents at the end of the session.
Local mum Olivia has been attending Tots since 2019. “It’s hard to know who loves this playgroup more, my daughter or me. There’s something special that sets this playgroup apart from the others which has us coming back week after week.”
Dads, grandparents and childminders are also most welcome to attend the group. Local dad, Matthew, began attending the group in September. “I really enjoy the playgroup because it's a great place for my daughter to interact with other children and develop independent play. My daughter enjoys the stories and nursery rhymes too. Everyone is very welcoming. Sometimes as
a dad you can feel excluded from these types of groups
but I've always been made to feel welcome here."
Join us for play, songs, bible stories, music and refreshments. Suggested donation £1 per family.
For more information, email us at tots@stjohnsredhill.org.uk or do just come along.