On Friday 9th October, I attended a retreat at Wychcroft in preparation for my commissioning as a children and families minister on the following Sunday.
I met my fellow retreat members and learnt that they had all taken different routes to get to this point. There were readers, SPA ministers and two other youth and family ministers.
Over the weekend, we learnt skills to deepen our practice of bible reading by using different techniques to study the readings to be used in the service on Sunday. We were also shown the value of silence to listen to God and kept silence after evening prayer until after morning prayer and we were urged to build time to retreat as part of our ministry.

On Sunday morning, we celebrated the Eucharist and witnessed our new friends be sworn in as readers in the chapel before travelling to Southwark Cathedral.
The commissioning service was well attended by family and supporters, as well as our sponsoring clergy. The Cathedral was full. We were called forward in groups relating to our specialism to be presented with certificates by the Bishop of Croydon. We also had our hands anointed in recognition that this was the start of our ministry which I found very moving. I am now a commissioned children and families minister which is recognised across the diocese of Southwark.
I am one of only four in the diocese. So now the real work begins! My role is to build up and encourage children and youth worship and attendance in church, to help empower our fantastic team of volunteers and to look out for new opportunities for outreach specifically to children and families.
I would like to thank you for your encouragement on my journey to get to this point which is a testament to ‘let go and let God’
With every blessing
Jo Hales
Originally published in A View from St John's Winter 2024 Parish Magazine