Do you have any books that you love and would like to share with others?
Do you struggle with finding new books to read?
Then why not come and have a look at our Eco-Church Book Swap located in the foyer of the St John's Community Centre!
The idea is simple you bring along a book that you really enjoyed and think others will too and then browse through the collection and pick a new one to take away.
To start off with we need help filling the shelves with good quality books - both adult and children's. They can be fiction or non-fiction. So why not bring along two or three books to help get us started?
All we ask is that the book is in good readable condition.
You are then free to take one away, enjoy it and then when you are finished with it bring it back and swap it again.
If you don't have a book to swap, and something catches your eye, then there is a suggested donation of £1 for an adult book and 50p for a children's book. As all proceeds go to the running of the church then feel free to leave a voluntary donation even if you are swapping a book.
We hope you enjoy this Eco-Church initiative and happy reading!